The American Issues Initiative has a simple charge: to inform and educate the American public about the pressing issues of our day – from criminal justice to education to the challenges of maintaining the vibrancy of our democracy.
The Initiative will seek to maintain a narrow, laser focus – tackling one critical issue at a time. But equally important is to give voice to viable solutions, ones that we believe will make America a better, fairer place for Americans of every race, creed and sex.
To tell our story, America’s story, we will paint on a broad canvas utilizing every content platform: film, video, the web and social media.
about the project
Issue 1: Our American Democracy
Our American Democracy
The first major issue the American Issues Initiative will take on is perhaps that most American issue of all, our democratic system, now more than two centuries young.
Beginning this September, we will have video crews on the road – documenting the amazing process of how America decides on the federal, state and local level who should lead us. We go into this with an open, journalistic mindset and no pre-formed opinions. We will attempt to find out if money plays too big a role; is voter fraud corrupting the integrity of our democracy or are poor and minority voters being suppressed by new voting restrictions (or maybe both?). Is the two party system still viable – and does our democracy serve the people for which it stands?
All good questions.
We intend to try and answer them.
So stay tuned to this space.
Media Channels
Documentary Film
Social Media